Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eve Veromann, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (eve.veromannemu.ee)
Prof. Dr. Marika Mänd, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences
MSc. Elen Peetsmann, Research Centre of Organic Farming of Estonian University of Life Sciences
Dr. Riina Kaasik, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (riina.kaasikemu.ee)
MSc. Gabriella Kovacs, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (gabriella.kovacsemu.ee)
MSc. Sirli Pehme, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences
Dr. Luule Metspalu, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences
Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Jedryczka, Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences (mjedigr.poznan.pl)
Dr. Samantha M. Cook, Department of AgroEcology, Rothamsted Research (sam.cookrothamsted.ac.uk)
For any questions, please contact: iobc.tartu2016gmail.com